Monday, September 30, 2019

Government Spending on Healthcare

Government Spending on Healthcare Talia Oliver 10/22/2012 HCS/440 Donna Lupinacci, MSN The article I read was written by Margaret Cuomo, M. D. and it focused on health care costs and how the government is doing unnecessary spending in health care. According to the article, the government has spent about $750 billion dollars on medical care that was not needed. Some of the areas where the author believes that the money has been wasted have been in unnecessary services, excessive administrative costs, inflated prices, prevention failures and fraud.The issue is that this spending is not actually contributing to the improvement of patient health. The author the author had stated that â€Å"Flaws in the current system of cancer treatment contribute to unnecessary spending† (Cuomo, 2012). There is so much money being spent on the blood tests, diagnostic scans and other medical procedures that deal with cancer and it is costing about $200 billion every year. With their being so much unnecessary spending on healthcare, Cuomo discussed how a group called the IOM committee was able to come up with ways in order to cut the spending and be able to continue to provide quality health service.Government Regulation on Media in AmericaThe article discusses that the IOM believes that â€Å"Eliminating wasteful spending for just one year ($750 billion) would be equal to more than 10 years of Medicare cuts† (Cuomo, 2012). This wasteful spending according to the article can’t continue to happen and it is important that we understand where the money is being spent and how the excessive spending can be changed. My opinion of the article is that there is too much money being spent by the government on healthcare that is not contributing to ensuring the improvement of patient health.When you look at the unnecessary medical care, there are services that are not needed but the money is being wasted when it could be spent somewhere else. Cancer is a serious issue and I believe it is important for patients to get assistance to help treat cancer. However, there are times that some patients are a bit paranoid and believe they have cancer and request tests to be sure. This is not necessary if the patient shows no signs of having cancer and the money can be saved. I believe that the article is very valid with saying that a lot of the spending is going to unnecessary things.The reason why I believe this is because there are those patients who are able to afford care and can’t get covered for care due to the fact that there is not enough funding available. The article is also valid in identifying ways that the unnecessary costs can be cut without disrupting the quality of care given to the patients. The ability to save money by cutting the unnecessary spending can help the money go to services like Medicare. I believe that the spending discussed in this article is way too much on unnecessary services that are not helping to improve patientâ€⠄¢s health.There is no reason that $750 billion is being wasted and it could go to services that can help those who can’t afford healthcare and those on Medicare. I believe that the government could focus that money on prevention methods that would help to avoid patients requiring more care. Prevention efforts are important and yet the government doesn’t invest enough money in it. The article had stated that recently â€Å"The House of Representatives voted 236 to 183 to repeal the Affordable health Care Act’s Prevention and Public Health Trust Fund† (Cuomo, 2012).Instead of trying to prevent the spending on unnecessary services and issues, repealing this act just ensures that there will be more costs to come due to the fact that prevention efforts are not being taken seriously. In conclusion, this article talked about the fact that a lot of the government spending on healthcare is being wasted on unnecessary services. The government is spending money on healthcare that can be cut in order to spend money where it is needed in healthcare.If the government focused more on being able to cut costs and provide quality care, $750 billion can go to Medicare services or even to state agencies that are trying to help uninsured patients get proper care. The government spending on healthcare should be spent on ensuring the improvement of patient’s health. References Cuomo, M. (2012, September 25). Margaret I. Cuomo, M. D. : The Truth About Health Care Costs. Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Retrieved October 23, 2012, from http://www. huffingtonpost. com/margaret-i-cuomo-md/health-care-costs_b_1901742. html

Sunday, September 29, 2019

National University Essay

American students have different attitudes about studying Contents 1. Tallahassee Democrat, Flag. Tallahassee Democrat, Flag. BY Quit Lie One and a half years ago, when my husband came to Florida State University for his doctorate in oceanography, I accompanied him from China. When I first stepped on American soil, many American things deeply attracted me. Since enrolling at the community college for my associates degree, I have especially noticed the differences between Chinese and American attitudes toward studying. Many of my American lacerates are also Curious about societal, family and educational systems in China. Expressing my ideas about the effects of these systems on college students in China may help my friends here understand the differences between us. China is a big country, not only in its land but also in its tremendous population. Although the government spends a huge amount of funds on developing education every year, It still can’t satisfy the innumerable students who are seeking knowledge. Thus,unlike in America, where everybody can go to college, a lot of Chinese students do not have the opportunity to study at colleges. For example, the government has a policy that people must be under 25 years of age to be able to go to college. Also, students must pass an annual National University Entrance Exam, which Is very strict. Often, only one out of 10 students pass It. The students call this testing month ‘ ‘ Dark July,† implying that this exam decides their fate. Not only do the students regard it as important, but also their parent’s treat It seriously. In America, students can decide to go to college by themselves and their parent’s hardly Interfere with them. In China, old, traditional thoughts are still kept In people’s minds. They think that studying at allege Is an Incomparable honor. If a student Is enrolled In college, his or her parent’s are extremely happy. They will Immediately tell all their relatives and friends. But If a student doesn’t pass the entrance exam, his parent’s will feel as If they cannot raise their heads In front of others. Some parent’s will even blame their child for not studying hard enough. These common views make some students feel pressure on their hearts. By comparison, American students leave their parent’s earlier and live and work In society by themselves. Most Chinese students never leave their parent’s before they go to college. This dependent life makes them want to obey their parent’s’ advice about everything. Prenatal advice Is their mall Influence. Some parent’s Insist that their child attend the July exam year after year until he or she passes It. The Influence of the family Is very Important on students In China. When I first came to college here, the American laissez-fairer style of education deeply Interested me. American colleges give students broad space and allow students to develop Independently. Students can freely choose their favorite courses, except for certain required courses. They can even choose their favorite teachers. This Is Incredible to e. In China, the field of study can’t be changed from the first day that the students come to college. Furthermore, every semester the school has already formulated the limits their development. At the community college, I also observe that quite a number of students cut class without excuses. This behavior is really strange. In China, even if a student is sick, he will normally persist in attending classes. Although the school has strict rules for absent students, the majority of students think that they should take responsibility for their own education. Chinese students study very hard and treasure the opportunity to study. Everyone wants to get the highest score. In China, there are no part-time students in a university. Tuition is provided by parent’s, so students want to get the highest scores to repay their parent’s’ love. Unlike American students who have a lot of chances to get a good Job, when Chinese students graduate, their grades become a major factor for a good company to choose them. To get a good Job in the future, students must study hard. Obviously, compared with the American educational system, the Chinese educational system could be improved by giving students more freedom to develop their abilities based n their interests.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Memo - Assignment Example Most of the times the clients do not know the technicalities involved in ones job. Clients expect the job to be completed in high standards. In the case of side tracks from schedule, the professional should assure the customer that all is well and avoid mentioning the main course of side track. The information relayed should be well organized and to the point. The client only needs the crucial part of the communication and not the details of the delay. This helps save the image of the company. The communication, format, plays a big role and helps portray the professional image of the company (Baugh 45). Company logo is important on the memo to assure trust - A memo to the customer is written on behalf of the company and should portray the company logo. This assures the confidence of the client in the company and increases his trust in the communicated message. Visual aids such as font sizes and color are critical for an official communication. They help to emphasize the information relayed. The memo is an official document, the recommended font size is twelve block style. This emphasizes on the fact that it is an official document (Mathur

Friday, September 27, 2019


THE COMPARISON OF CONTRAST MEAD AND BOURDIEU THEORIES - Essay Example Perceiving a house is same as to perceive shelter. That is why it is concluded that perception is the action plans that individual takes (Baldwin, 90-91). Mead’s society based on an open society of open selves, (Herbert, pp 6). His theories are synthesis of German idealism which states that, the self’s â€Å"perception and semantics’† and "a common practice of various subjects" (Baldwin, 203-205) found particularly in social brushes., Mead’s self states to be significantly knitted within a sociological presence: For Mead, existence in community lies before individual awareness. Mead focused that all human beings including men and women start their apprehension of the social world through "play" and "game". "Play" lies prior in the childs development and growth (Baldwin, pp. 23-31). The self-development is dependent on learning in order to capture the role of other. Therefore, a child can play different actions he notices in "adult" society, and performs them out to take an understanding of the various social roles. Moreover, it is simply the matter that, what others do. Every step is a learning step that starts from imitation through play acting world of children. Whereas, Pierre Bourdie was a famous French sociologist born on first august 1930.his work provide the framework for social and symbolic violence that enables the dynamics to reveal the human power connections in our social life. However, he argued that individuals either schools or writers should bring their expertise to bear responsibly on political and social issues. He drew different methods from a broad range of various disciplines, specially philosophy anthropology and sociology. One of his famous books is â€Å"Distinction† describes the space of social lifestyle and space of social positions or a Social Critique of the assessment of Taste. Moreover, Bourdie describes the scholastic point of view, means things of logic and logic of things. Moreover, he loved intellectual combat,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Prevalence of Plastic Surgery Among South Korean Women and its Essay

The Prevalence of Plastic Surgery Among South Korean Women and its Relation to Pop Culture - Essay Example For instance, the male-dominated society has deemed that a woman may be considered feminine if her body type is a certain way, and the feminine ideal changes through time. At the time of Lorber's writing, the fashion was for women to be small-breasted, slim-hipped and bordering on emaciated. Because that was the ideal, many women starved themselves to fit this aesthetic. The aesthetic has also popularized magazines that promised to show women how to become thinner, with such titles as â€Å"Help Stamp Out Cellulite† and â€Å"Fat-Burning Exercise Guide.† Furthermore, there are informal edicts that women must follow in order to be considered feminine. For instance, Lorber talks about how women take up much less personal space then men. When women are on a train, they make themselves as small as possible – legs pressed together, arms at their sides. Meanwhile, men splay their arms and legs as far as possible. Women also need to have supple skin that shows no signs of age, and must be kept up with expensive cremes and electrolysis. Makeup is almost required. All of this is to make the woman more attractive to men, and women feel bad when they fail to conform to the prescribed beauty ideal (Lorber, 1993). Moreover, the feminine ideal has evolved over the years towards an image of ever-unattainable perfection. The past 50 or 60 years has been marked by a changing standard of ideal beauty in society. According to Calabrese et al., the ideal has changed towards a thinner female body type, one that is unattainable by most women. This is seen in Playboy Magazine centerfold models, Miss America pageant winners and fashion models. As stated above, these ideals are... What it means to be feminine in society is often equated with an impossibly thin, tall woman with Western features. This is true even in some Asian countries, such as Taiwan and Singapore. South Korea also emphasizes the Western ideal, as it uses Western models to promote glamorous items such as lingerie, and Asian models are used to promote house-cleaning items. The message is that, to attain an ideal, you must look a certain way, and Korean women are increasingly falling into the trap. No longer content to have broad noses, full lips, broad faces and small eyes, Korean women are increasingly getting their noses and eyes Westernized. In the process, they are perpetuating oppression and patriarchy by giving into the feminine ideal set forth by the male-dominated society in which they live, for it is the men who demand the rigid standard of beauty. The Westernized Korean women are also giving up a part of themselves, their identity and the parts of themselves which makes them unique. Korean women are spending an increasing amount of money trying to attain the Western ideal. This money is not well-spent, for it perpetuates the patriarchy and oppression and causes the woman to become inauthentic and other women to feel inferior. Everybody should celebrate themselves, however they were created, and not pay attention to the images in the media, for this kind of perfection is not attainable, nor should it be.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

In what ways are an organisations employment relations influenced by Essay

In what ways are an organisations employment relations influenced by external factors Use a PESTLE analysis supported by illustrative examples to substantiate your answer - Essay Example These components can combine together that they can substantially create strong influence on the existing employment relations in the corporate world. In order to understand further this issue, there is a need to cover important information about employment relationship management and other related aspects. It is by understanding this that the basic factors influencing employment relationships can be substantiated. Blyton and Turnbull (2004) argued that employee relations, personnel management and human resource management are different areas of studies as far as collective aspects of employment relationship is concerned. Under employee relations, personnel and human resource management, the focus is highly emphasised on individual and employment relationship (Blyton and Turnbull, 2004). However, if this has to be closely observed, the details about employee relations, personnel management and human resource management require basic understanding about individuals. Since this concern about individuals and the organisation, the existence of relationship between these two essential components of the business is a central focus as far as understanding employment relations is concerned. There are different attachments that characterise employment relationship such as employee commitment to organisation’s values and acknowledgement of both instrumental and calculative motives (Leat, 2007). The close tie that exists between the employer and employees is at some point can be attributed to given commitment by the two parties. It is important to understand in detail how this commitment comes into maturity in the business world. According to Daniels (2006), organisation and its employees should together have one common understanding of their corporate goals and such can be enhanced further by employees’ success or failures and their existing relationship. In

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes - Essay Example The point is that Bacon considered the reality as perceptional, empirical thing, that’s why the only knowledge that can be reliable for humans is the perceptional one. Rational thinking only processes the empirical information. Descartes’ method or rational analysis of deduction is about thinking only. Descartes claims that any knowledge that we get must be questioned by doubt not to take wrong and mistaken information for truth. By deduction Descartes means analyzing the reality by finding the most elementary truth, which lately will lead to some bigger truth and this consistent order of research must reveal the origins of everything. But the main rule in this inquiry is to be skeptical, because only skeptical approach can discern wrong and truthful knowledge and select the appropriate one to move on in exploration. Bacon’s and Descartes’ methods are obviously totally different, because the fundamentals the thinkers use in their approaches are considered to be opposite. Descartes uses rational thinking and doubt-based analysis, while Bacon claims that the only thing researcher can rely on is empirical knowledge. Both Locke’s and Hobbes’ political theories are based on the concept of social agreement (contract). But the main essential difference between the roles of government in these theories is in their opposite views on basis of society: Hobbes claims that society is based on feud of people with each other, when Locke says that it is equality what makes people to conclude social agreement.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Cliffside Orchards Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Cliffside Orchards - Case Study Example Cliffside Orchards generated its first profit in the year 1989. Then, the Hermans were operating as wholesalers. By the end of the year 1990, however, the Orchard recorded fewer profits as a result of a decline in crop yields. The Hermans decided to venture into farmer markets such as Sandpoint, Codalaine and Spokane. Jeff Herman stated that this â€Å"was a big change, emotionally and spiritually.† The couple states that when they began, 32 years ago, they lacked the technological advantages and technical knowhow that is enjoyed by many farmers today. Jeff, however, acknowledges Phil Unterschuetz’s publication on Organic Integrated fertility Management publication as a crucial guide that helped them through the numerous challenges that they faced over the past 32 years such as the Alar scare of 1989. The couple has witnessed firsthand the effects of unsustainable agriculture and the use of extreme chemicals in crop growth. As such, they have endeavored to adopt healthy crop growth practices for the sake of their children and the environment. The Cliffside Orchards has been a success story for farmers all over fighting for the cause of purely organic agricultural practices. Part of the couple’s objectives is to provide an example of how maintained organic practices can yield healthy and nutritious tree ripened fruit that is sweet.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Transformational Leadership Essay Example for Free

Transformational Leadership Essay In any endeavor, a leader is necessary for it to be successful. One would ask why? Is something doomed to failure if it’s instigated, implemented without a leader? Sun Tzu said: â€Å"The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected (Giles).† I would like to make a comparison here. Any action is a war – a war between success and failure. Even the simplest task of reading is a war – understanding vs. misunderstanding or enjoyable vs. boring. Let me just add that Sun Tzu further stated that: â€Å"The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one’s deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field. These are: The Moral Law; Heaven; Earth; The Commander; Method and discipline. The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness.† (Giles). So how important Sun Tzu’s Commander is in the way of things? Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, was reported to have issued a three-word dictum–â€Å"Don’t manage! Lead!† So when does one be classified as a manager? As a leader? What’s the difference? Whereas a manager is someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals, leadership is somehow more complex. It is â€Å"the process wherein an individual member of a group or organization influences the interpretation of events, the choice of objectives, the maintenance of cooperative relationships, the development of skills and confidence by members, and the enlistment of support and cooperation from people outside the group or organization† (Yukl 2002, p. 5). Henceforth, leadership is influencing other people to realize or actualize the vision an organization must take in order to stay ahead and the leader is the one who is ahead of the pact. In the years of studying leadership, several leadership styles emerged. Literatures discussed and analyzed situational leadership, participative leadership, charismatic leadership, and transformational leadership among others. Transformational Leadership: Review of Related Literature Nigel Nicholson talked about the transformational leadership in one of his articles. In the beginning of one of his article, How to Motivate Your Problem People, he said that â€Å"[everyone] knows that good managers motivate with the power of their vision, the passion of their delivery, and the compelling logic of their reasoning† (2003, p. 57). However, he did say that this is a great image and that only remains as main fare of â€Å"idealistic leadership books† (Nicholson, p. 57). Tracey and Hinkin undertook a research on whether transformational leadership exists or it is just effective managerial practices (1998). To test their hypothesis, Tracey and Hinkin conducted the study by comparing the transformational leadership scales from Bass and Avolios Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire with four scales from Yukls Managerial Practices Survey (1998). The results provided mixed support for the distinctiveness of the MLQ. Does this mean then that there is no such thing as a transformational leader? I don’t think so. I believe that Gandhi was one, Mother Theresa was one, and even Hitler was one. So what is this transformational leadership theory? Furthermore, Sosik and Megerian found out that the transformational leadership behavior and managerial performance are correlated in several circumstances (1991).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Transformational leadership was first formulated by Burns from his descriptive research on political leaders (Yukl 2002, p. 324). It is defined in terms of the transformational leader’s effect on followers: â€Å"they feel trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect toward the leader, and they are motivated to do more than they originally expected to do† (Yukl 2002, p. 325). The transformational leadership theory assumes that people will follow a person who inspires them. It also assumes that a person with vision and passion can achieve great things; and that the way to get things done is by injecting enthusiasm and energy. Given that a transformational leader seeks overtly to transform the organization, there is also a tacit promise to followers that they also will be transformed in some way, perhaps to be more like this amazing leader. In some respects, then, the followers are the product of the transformation. But then as Nicholson implied, one of the traps of Transformational Leadership is that passion and confidence can easily be mistaken for truth and reality. While it is true that great things have been achieved through enthusiastic leadership, it is also true that many passionate people have led the charge right over the cliff and into a bottomless chasm. Paradoxically, the energy that gets people going can also cause them to give up. Transformational Leaders often have large amounts of enthusiasm which, if relentlessly applied, can wear out their followers. Chen studied the impact of gender on transformational leadership (2001). His research study supported his hypothesis that gender truly affects transformational leadership due to the differing qualities possessed by each gender (Chen 2001). Because â€Å"women leaders possess qualities more in line with transformational leadership and are thus more transformational than their male counterparts† (Chen 2001). A similar study was made by Schyns and Sanders. The study was focused on the gender differences in the relationship between transformational leadership and leaders occupational self-efficacy, and aimed to explain how female and male leaders develop their self-efficacy (Schyns Sanders 2005). Unlike the Chen study, Schyns and Sanders’ study â€Å"found no significant relationship between self-rated transformational leadership and occupational self-efficacy for women, although [they] did find a positive relationship for men. No interaction effect with respect to leaders occupational self-efficacy could be found between leaders gender and follower-rated transformational leadership† (2005). The effectiveness of the transformational leadership had been studied not only in the business sector, but also in the arts. Boerner and von Streit investigated the degree to which the conductors transformational leadership style and a cooperative climate in the orchestra favorably affect the orchestras artistic quality by surveying several musicians from 22 professional German symphony orchestras (2005). Specifically, the authors studied the assertion that the conductors transformational leadership style promotes the orchestras artistic quality only if there is a cooperative climate in the orchestra (Boerner von Streit 2005). Whereas Krishnan studied the effects of leader-member exchange, transformational leadership, and perceived value system congruence between leader and follower on followers six upward influence strategies assertiveness, bargaining, coalition, friendliness, higher authority, and reasoning by using a sample of 281 managers working in various organizations in India (2004). Majority of the researches done on transformational leadership focused on the effectiveness of transformational leadership, but Felfe ad Schyns pointed out that â€Å"a little is known about similarity in the leadership behavior of leader and supervisor, and how this affects the outcomes of leadership† (2004), and both collaborated to correct this oversight. In their study, 213 supervisors from two public administration offices were asked to rate their own leadership behavior as well as their leaders behavior. Felfe and Schyns then examined the relationship between own self-rated transformational leadership and perceived transformational leadership of the direct superior, and analyzed the relationship between perceived similarity between subordinate and supervisor in transformational leadership and leadership specific outcomes (extra effort, efficiency, and satisfaction with the leader), as well as organizational outcomes (commitment, overall satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, achievement orientation, stress, and irritability) (2004). The researches on transformational leadership were conducted in several ways: review of existing literatures, interviews, and surveys. Sosik, however, conducted a laboratory experiment to evaluate the effects of high and low level of transformational leadership style and anonymity (1997). He included 36 undergraduate student work groups, and used a Group Decision Support System to perform an idea generation task (Sosik 1997). Sosik found out â€Å"that groups working under high transformational leadership generated more original solutions, supportive remarks, solution clarifications and questions about solutions and reported higher levels of perceived performance, extra effort and satisfaction with the leader than groups working under low transformational leadership† (1997). Undoubtedly, the effectiveness of a transformational leader doesn’t depend solely on that leader: no matter how good a leader is that leader’s success will always depend, in part, on the followers. Walumbwa, Lawler, Avolio, Wang and Shi studied how a transformational leader’s effectiveness is affected by followers’ work-related attitude (2005). What is interesting with this study is Walumbwa, Lawler, Avolio, Wang and Shi collected their data from three countries: China, India and United States. But, then, what makes up a transformational leadership exactly? Hoffman and Frost examine the impact of emotional, social, and cognitive intelligences on the dimensions of transformational leadership using both paper-and-pencil measures and assessment center dimensions (2006). The study found out that there are significant relationships between cognitive intelligence components and intellectual stimulation, social intelligence components and charisma, and emotional intelligence components and individualized consideration (Hoffman Frost 2006). Finally, Transformational Leaders, by definition, seek to transform. When the organization does not need transforming and people are happy as they are, then such a leader will be frustrated. Like wartime leaders, however, given the right situation they come into their own and can be personally responsible for saving entire wars. References Chen, C. (2001). Androgyny and transformational leadership: Effects of gender and sex-role identity in the collectivistic context of Taiwan, R.O.C. University of Southern California. Felfe, J. Schyns, B. (2004). Is Similarity in Leadership Related to Organizational Outcomes? The Case of Transformational Leadership. Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies, 10 (4), 92-103. Giles, L. (translator). Sun Tzu The Art of War. Hoffman, B. Frost, B. (2006). Multiple intelligences of transformational leaders: an empirical examination. International Journal of Manpower, 27 (1), 37. Krishnan, V. (2004). Impact of transformational leadership on followers influence strategies. Leadership Organizational development Journal, 25 (1/2), 58. Nicholson, N. (2003). How to Motivate Your Problem People. Harvard Business Review, January 2003, 57-65. Boerner, S. von Streit, C. (2005). Transformational Leadership and Group Climate-Empirical Results from Symphony Orchestras. Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies, 12 (2), 31-41. Schyns, B. Sanders, K. (2005). Exploring gender differences in leaders occupational self-efficacy. Women in Management Review, 20 (7/8), 513-523. Sosik, J. (1997). Effect of transformational leadership and anonymity on idea generation in computer-mediated groups. Group Organization Management, 22 (4), 460-487. Sosik, J. Megerian, L. (1991). Understanding leader emotional intelligence and performance: The role of self-other agreement on transformational leadership perceptions. T Group Organization Management, 24 (3), 367-390. Tracey, J. Hinkin, T. (1998). Transformational leadership or effective managerial practices? Group Organization Management, 23 (2), 220-236. Walumbwa, F., Lawler, J., Avolio, B., Wang, P. Shi, K. (2005). Transformational Leadership and Work-Related Attitudes: The Moderating Effects of Collective and Self-Efficacy Across Cultures. Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies, 11 (3), 2-16. Yukl, G. (2002). Leadership in Organizations (5th ed). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

John Locke Leader of the Enlightenment Essay Example for Free

John Locke Leader of the Enlightenment Essay John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. A ll three rightspertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Locke discusses the need for three natural rights, the right to property, life and liberty. All three rights pertained to equality and seeing as the Enlightenment Era revolved around individualism, his development and support of Natural Rights made him a great influence and role-model. Furthermore, John Locke was against the Divine Right of Kings and believed that there was no one true ruler that was chosen by god. He instead believed that the ruling force should be decided by the citizens of a country. This in turn allowed the citizens more liberty and thus more equality – everyone’s votes counted and each vote was equal. His belief in Natural rights also influenced many other movements and laws such as the French Revolution, the US Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence and The Social Contract. If it wasn’t for him and his literature, many leaders of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire wouldn’t have been inspired to come up with and share their ideas. John Locke’s influences on politics, equality and the other leaders of the Enlightenment were immense, thus making him one of the greatest leaders of The Enlightenment. John Locke has had a great impact on governments, other leaders and equality during the Enlightenment, thus making him the most influential leader of that era. Locke’s literature specifically his book The Two Treatises of Government was the key to many of his contributions. â€Å"By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke† (Powell, Jim). In this book, Loc.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Organisational Culture and Values at Nokia

Organisational Culture and Values at Nokia Organisation culture Nokia is the leading mobile company all over the world which started their operation in the early 1980s. The values of Nokia are customer satisfaction, respect for individuals, achievement and continuous learning. Customer satisfaction means how satisfaction is the customer with the effort of organisation in the marketplace. Nokia has their dedicated sales and marketing personnels with logistic and sourcing functions. Keeping in mind that, what will best suit the customers and what are their needs, Nokia randomly responding to the customers and making things according to their customers choice. Respect for individuals means to give attention to each and every individual for their opinion. Nokia gives opportunities for personal growth. Nokia encourage new strategy to change the global market. They also emphasise on constant attention to the objectives. Continuous learning means Nokia always encourage improving the perfections. Nokia encourage developing mobile with affordable cost and also which can help increasing economic growth along with quality of life. Nokia support constant innovation on human technology to improve communication and finding the new ways of interchanging information. Nokia provides opportunity to grow personally, give confidence to come with new ideas and creation, motivates high quality people to serve the best customer service. Organisational and national culture National culture related to our values held in our deep such as good vs. evil, normal vs. abnormal, rational vs. irrational and safe v. dangerous. National culture learned very early stage of life and held deep insight every human being and changed very slowly over the period of time. On the other hand, organisational culture is brought from the practical experiences from the organisation and learned from the organisational job. To change organisational culture is difficult and it takes time. It is very difficult to coup up when two or three organisations merge or shift to each other then the employees of the organisation faces the difficulties to follow the culture. Sometimes it clashes to national culture. People in an organisation can adopt organisational culture over his national cultural values but when two or three organisation merge then it becomes difficult for the employees to adopt organisational culture over their deep values of national culture. Organisational culture sometimes become inappropriate to national culture and national culture sometimes get inappropriate to organisational culture. But organisational culture never trumps national culture. There are some basic differences between organisational culture and national culture. These are: leadership style, organisational policies and procedures, organisational and operational structure, recruitment and selection procedures and measuring the performance of the employees and reward systems, global team and leadership development. Corporate culture profile Corporate culture is one of the strategic and competitive advantages of Nokia. Connecting people is the catch phrase which means the physical facilities of the company. Nokia buildings hold the strong corporate image. Nokia has four main values and principles at his heart of its corporate philosophy: customer satisfaction, respect for individuals, achievement and continuous learning. Establishing Goals It was the challenge for Nokia to develop a unique, award-wining workplace which reflects the corporate culture, values and vision of the company. Nokia house Boston property has the major RD facilities and it was important to open the new floor plan and give the credit to the engineer and creative group for their creative design. However the design of the Scandinavian headquarters was not totally mimic but include New Englands culture as well. A Corporate Culture Retrofit Nokia not only holds the Scandinavian culture itself rather than transport it to the England for both the employees and visitors. There are high-tech and traditional furniture showcase along with brilliant lighting design particularly in the lobby area, cafeteria and meeting rooms helps creating a warm and professional atmosphere. Another important design characteristics is its new office space system and flexible desks. Connecting People After coming to new Nokia house in spring 2000, the company provides full friendly sense of place and purpose for the customers. The set up and cultural elements of the building gives the employees confidence and comfortable settings. Nokia provides more productive and interactive workforce after implementing the goals and culture to its actual design. After managing all the facilities the employees are more connected to the customers indirectly. As more companies want to redesign their head office to highlight their corporate culture such as the lobby, the real estate professionals must need to ensure that the changes will made in a healthy and profitable business relationship matter. The impact of corporate culture According to the researcher a healthy organisational culture may have various kinds of benefits which include: competitive advantage deduce from customer service and innovation, constant and efficient performance of the employees, great team facilities, high valued employee, and strong company association, employees with high motivation and loyalty, control and coordination within the company and also promoting consistency, rearranging the behaviour of the employees to the benefit of the company.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Barbie: Feminisms Best Friend or Worst Enemy Essay -- Argumentative P

Barbie: Feminism's Best Friend or Worst Enemy Ask any five year old American girl who Barbie is and she will most likely run into her bedroom and grab Barbie off the shelf. She will frill up her mini skirt and try to make her walk in her tiny plastic heels. Excitedly, she will hold her up for you to admire. A tiny miniature woman will stand in front of you, only about six inches tall. Her long blonde hair accents her sparkling blue eyes and huge white smile. Her long plastic legs bend only slightly and her pointy breasts perk out of her hot pink tank top. She doesn’t look like anything a five year old would play with, but Barbie is obviously her favorite. How does a five year old relate to Barbie? She isn’t comforting to cuddle with, you can’t change her diapers and put her to sleep in her crib. Barbie is an indendent woman, standing tall over baby dolls and stuffed animals and other juevinile toys young girls display in their bedrooms. The majority of toys that little girls played with a hundred years ago were toys that dealt with the home. Miniature tea sets and rag dolls protrayed a girl’s future life and mimicked her mother’s behavior. Barbie was not created quite yet, the sexy image and revealing clothing would be offensive, even immoral, when girls were supposed to stay home and take care of the children. It wasn’t until the 1950’s that Barbie was first introduced. She shined brightly from her pink cardboard package next to the dozens of baby dolls surrounding her. Barbie was stunningly different. She was a woman, not a baby doll, she had no spouse, she had no children, she drove a sports car, and she was sexy. As Barbie became a household word, the mindset of mothers in America was changing ... ...moved beyond the stereotype of growing up only to become a housewife. But eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia have also reached an all-time high. Girls at the young age of twelve are already looking in the mirror and starting to count calories. Could Barbie have had anything to do with this? Who is Barbie? What exactly does she represent? Does she symbolize independence, glamour, wealth, and success? Or does she symbolize sex, a false body image, and an unacheivable identity? Barbie’s not going anywhere, and chances are, she will be sitting on the next generation’s bedroom shelf, wearing the latest clothing, and still displaying her bright smile. It is up to our generation, as mothers and fathers, to teach our baby girls who Barbie really is. It is important they not only love Barbie for her unattainable beauty, but for her strong feminity.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Gun Control Essay -- Second Amendment The Right To Bear Arms

Gun Control Gun control is an action of the government that is supposed to reduce crime. Congress has passed many laws on this subject and there really has not been an effect. Gun control has been a controversial issue for years, but the citizens of the United States have a right to own guns and the Constitution states that. On the government's path to control guns they created the Brady Act. Handgun Control Incorporated is the major organization for lobbying, and introducing legislation on gun control. It is headed by Sarah Brady, wife of former White House Press Secretary James Brady. James Brady was shot during an attempt on President Reagan's life in 1981. Sarah is the one responsible for introducing this bill. This bill was supposed to stop criminals from obtaining guns. If an individual wants a firearm bad enough, chances are they will get one (Brennen and Polsby). All it does Is prevent honest people from being able to purchase guns. The person purchasing the gun has to wait for two week while the government performs a background check. The problem with this is it stops the average citizen from purchasing a gun on the whim, while it protects the common criminal. What if a burglar enters a house with full intention to maim or kill? The innocent victim can not get a gun to protect his family because he was arrested seven years ago for drunk driving (Larson). According to the General Accounting Office, in the first seventeen months of the law's existence only seven criminals were convicted for attempting to buy a handgun. Banning more and more guns may reduce gun violence, but it will not eliminate guns from society and will only lead to more and bigger problems. While continuing to take more freedom away from the Ame... ...Banning guns will not solve the crime problem it will only change the method. If guns are not available then another weapon will be used or an older gun. Simple laws will not stop a person who is determined to cause someone harm. This is why people should be allowed to own and carry guns. This allows them to protect themselves from those kinds of people. Proper education in school and other places to teach how to use a gun and to respect guns as a dangerous weapon is what is needed to reduce gun violence in the future. If we allow the government to ban guns the American people will be defenseless and powerless to stop the government from taking over or to stop an outside invasion if either were to occur. This country was born because the citizens were armed and could fight for themselves. How can we remove the very object that helped give our country its freedom?